All cats get free time from their suite.

Two story suites for all of our feline guests big enough for families.

All bedding supplied

All cats get free time from their suite.
Our luxury cat suites include:
20 large multi level rooms
Air conditioning for summer
Underfloor heating for winter
Individual privacy shelf with garden views
Communal lounge room with large window for natural light, sofa chair, wide screen TV with DVD, scratching poles, toys & watching platforms
Large safe & secure outdoor play area with elevated platforms, thick raised branches for jumping, climbing, exploring & bird watching as well as grass, catnip & more scratching poles
Long term accommodation available
One of one time spent with guests that love company
Plenty of scratches, cuddles & kisses!
Inspection welcome, please call to arrange an appointment.
Requirements of stay include:
For hygienic reasons, we do not take entire male cats.
Current vaccination paperwork must be shown at check in or sent to us prior.
All pets must be up to date with vaccinations; that is all pets must have received a vaccination in the last 12 months. We insist on at least an F3 for our feline guests.
An F3 vaccination includes Feline enteritis & 2 forms of feline respiratory disease.
If vaccinations require boosting or updating they must have been done at least 2 weeks prior to admission.
If you have any questions regarding your pets vaccination please contact your Veterinarian prior to making a booking as unvaccinated pets cannot be accepted.
See our Rates page for our current price list.
Booking enquiry
Disclaimer: Please note all pets and owners that use and stay at Murray Valley Pet Resort are bound by our Terms and Conditions.